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2023 October Rickies

 8th January 2025 at 1:58pm
Donation: $50 Donator: Federico Flexies winner: Myke Winner: Federico

▶️ Episodes

🥇 Regular Picks

Stephen Regular "Apple announces a new Apple Silicon system-on-a-chip" 1
Myke Regular "The 13" MacBook Pro is redesigned" 0
Federico Regular "The MacBook Air is not updated at this event" 1
Stephen Regular "The M1 iMac receives an update" 1
Myke Regular "The names of the colours of the iMac are unchanged" 1
  • Cleverly worded so that if the iMac isn't touched, the pick is still correct, but Federico's questioning of whether a change in hue counts causes Myke to water it down to just names. At the time of the pick, the colors were "Blue, Green, Pink, Silver, Yellow, Orange, Purple".
Federico Regular "The visual design of the 14" and 16" MacBook Pro is unchanged" 1
  • The word "visual" was added, but it's agreed that we'll know it when we see it.

⚠️ Risky Picks

Stephen Risky "Apple unveils an iMac Pro" -1
  • In Stephen's mind, this requires a 27" or larger screen, and a Pro/Pro Max caliber processor at least.
Myke Risky "Apple unveils a new Studio Display Pro that is larger than the regular Studio Display and features a new screen technology than the smaller model" -1
  • Myke wavers on the "larger" clause but chooses to keep the pick unmodified when Stephen thinks it's important to the riskiness of the pick.
Federico Risky "Apple introduces a new desktop keyboard and/or trackpad that supports connecting to multiple devices at once. They also support USB-C connections now" -1

🏆 Scores

  1. Federico: 1
  2. Stephen: 1
  3. Myke: 0

It goes to a coin flip which Federico comes out on top of.

💪 Flexie Picks

Federico Flexie "Johnny Srouji makes an appearance" 1
Federico Flexie "The event video is less than 90 minutes long" 1
Federico Flexie "At least one M3-series chip introduces support for Thunderbolt 5, a first for the industry" 0
Federico Flexie "Vision Pro is mentioned at some point during the video" 0
Federico Flexie "At least one computer or accessory that gets updated is less expensive in the US than before" 1
  • The new low-end 14" MacBook Pro, while spiritually replacing the 13" at a higher price, counts as a price drop in the 14" line.
Myke Flexie "Some kind of Halloween joke is made" 1
  • Perhaps Greg Joswiak dressed as something.
Myke Flexie "Someone says "carbon neutral"" 1
Myke Flexie "All outside shots are filmed in the evening" 1
Myke Flexie "John Ternus looks great" 1
Myke Flexie "At least one Mac is available to order "today"" 1
Myke Flexie "We do not get new AirPods Max, even though I want them" 1
Stephen Flexie "The iMac's input devices are updated with USB-C but otherwise remain the same" 0
Stephen Flexie "The M3, M3 Pro and M3 Max are all announced" 1
Stephen Flexie "The Mac mini is not updated" 1
Stephen Flexie "The iPad isn't even mentioned" 1
Stephen Flexie "We don't see Tim Cook on video" 0

💸 Flexie Scores

  1. Myke: 100.0% (6/6)
  2. Stephen: 60.0% (3/5)
  3. Federico: 60.0% (3/5)

The coin flip goes the other way and Federico donates $50 to The Red Cross.