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Apple has Apple Silicon versions of all of its Intel Macs on sale by the end of 2021

jbiatek 8th January 2025 at 1:58pm
Ahead by: 520 days Host: Stephen Pick: 2 Pick conditions: 5 Score: -1

  • "No Intel Macs are available for sale without an Apple Silicon counterpart." Myke points out the iMac Pro as a potential spoiler.
  • (For pick complexity purposes, I'm counting this as 1 condition for each Mac line that still had no Apple Silicon counterpart at the beginning of 2021: The larger MacBook Pros, the iMac in both sizes, the iMac Pro, and the Mac Pro. The Mac mini is 1 line with a high end and low end, so it already had an "Apple Silicon counterpart" although the high end Mac mini was still Intel.)
  • The iMac Pro left the lineup entirely, but the Mac Pro remained on Intel for about a year and a half more.