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Apple gives a sneak peak of the new Mac Pro...

jbiatek 8th January 2025 at 1:58pm
Ahead by: 156 days Host: Myke Pick: 3 Pick conditions: 7 Score: -1

  • "...It features a case design inspired by the 2019 Mac Pro. It features more ports than any other Apple Silicon Mac available today. It does not have support for third-party GPUs. It features a chip name that has not appeared in any other product. It has a starting price of at least $6,999. It is coming later this year."
  • Originally it said "same case design", but the change was accepted on air after Myke reconsidered. "Later this year" was also demoted from being an exact quote.
  • This Mac Pro will have to beat the Mac Studio in terms of ports: 2 USB-C, 2 USB-A, 4 Thunderbolt, SD card, Ethernet, HDMI, and headphone jack, for a total of 12.
  • This pick is similar in spirit to Myke's ongoing Annual pick, but with different conditions. At the time it was the most complex graded pick ever made.