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Connected #516: The Spirit of the Blue Shell

 29th August 2024 at 2:35pm
Episode: 516

Ahead of the iPhone event, the hosts continue to reform the game to break the years-long streak of overly risky Risky picks and games decided by tiebreakers. There's a live brainstorming session, but some of Silvia's suggestions stand out as clear winners.

  • Ultimately, the risky picks get a bit more structure: at least 3 conditions, and new scoring based on the conditions. As before, a completely correct Risky pick is 2 points, but partial success is now also allowed, 2 correct conditions earning a point, 1 correct condition earning no points, and only if all conditions are incorrect will the host lose a point.
  • In the regular picks, hosts may make a bonus pick for every incorrect pick that later came true going back to the last 3 games, further shaking things up and hopefully cutting down on everything coming down to the coins.