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WWDC Retrospective (2021)

 11th September 2021 at 9:50am

So far, there have been two WWDC competitions: The 2019 WWDC Predictions draft, an early iteration of what is now the Keynote Rickies, and the 2020 Summer Rickies. Stephen won in 2019 and Myke in 2020. These have been high scoring affairs, with the vast majority of picks hitting the mark.

The 2019 event was graded at a raucous live show, where at one point Federico threatened to call the police when his arguments didn't seem to be getting traction. Ultimately, all 3 hosts had perfect scores, leading to the game's first and so far only 3 way tie, which also led to the only coin flip that Myke has ever lost. Since then, he has an active streak of 5 coin flip wins.

2020 also saw perfect scores for Myke and Stephen, but Federico did not fare quite as well. He had hoped for new iMessage features and Xcode for iPad. Myke did well with an iOS-focused slate of picks, while Stephen staked most of his picks on the Mac.

This will be the first WWDC event where the loser of the Flexies is not penalized with a mandate to buy a round of drinks, as the new rules with a monetary donation for charity will be in effect.

Stephen's Picks

2019 WWDC PredictionsScore
Stephen Regular "iOS 13 will change the system requirements, dropping devices supported by iOS 12" 1
Stephen Regular "Apple replaces at least one bundled macOS app with a Marzipan version" 1
  • It's called Catalyst, not Marzipan, which is pushed back on a little. Podcasts is cited as fulfilling this (is it replacing a Mac app? Stephen gets away with this a bit) and they say that Messages might now be a Catalyst app, but in fact it isn't.
  • The permissive grading may be due to the other hosts not wanting to get too picky when it comes to grading later picks.
Stephen Risky "The HomePod will gain multiple user support via voice detection" 2

2020 Summer RickiesScore
Stephen Regular "A CPU transition is announced for the Mac" 1
  • Federico counsels against specifying ARM, which is good because Apple calls it "Apple Silicon" and never uses the term ARM.
Stephen Regular "Apple shares a video touting the benefits of the time-of-flight sensor found in the 2020 iPad Pros for AR" 1
Stephen Risky "Something in the default Dock of Catalina becomes a Catalyst app" 2

Myke's Picks

2019 WWDC PredictionsScore
Myke Regular "Dark mode for iOS" 1
Myke Regular "Apple will mention Apple Arcade during the keynote" 1
Myke Risky "Cursor support for iOS" 2
  • Was not mentioned in the keynote, but more information came out during the week about the new accessibility feature.

2020 Summer RickiesScore
Myke Regular "The iPad home screen gets new features" 1
  • The ability to stack widgets is juuuuuust enough to count.
Myke Regular "iOS gets the ability to change default apps from those that Apple make, including email" 1
Myke Risky "Memoji will get updated to include face coverings" 2

Federico's Picks

2019 WWDC PredictionsScore
Federico Regular "New Animoji in iOS 13" 1
  • Ungraded: Federico had some specific predictions which were not written down: at least 4, maybe 5, a demo on stage, would like to see kangaroo, peacock, squirrel, or white rat as new animals.
Federico Regular "iOS gets expanded font support" 1
Federico Risky "Apple will bring back some kind of "app list/launcher" UI element on iPad" 2
  • Federico cites parts of Slide Over's new multitasking interface, and when that doesn't seem to be working, says "If you don't give me this point, I will call the police." It escalates to the point of typing 911 into his phone.
  • "Some kind of" is vague enough to count this, and it definitely is not because of the threat.

2020 Summer RickiesScore
Federico Regular "New iMessage features, including the ability to retract sent messages" 0
  • Message retraction arrived in 2022 at WWDC.
Federico Regular "watchOS gets new sleep tracking features" 1
Federico Risky "The iPad gets a new development tool to write code, on device, that is not Swift Playgrounds" -1