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Apple TV+

 29th August 2024 at 2:45pm

Stephen's Apple TV+ Picks

Type2019 Media Event PredictionsScore
Stephen Regular "The video streaming service does not launch until at least May 1" 1
Type2020 September RickiesScore
Stephen Flexie "Preview of fall Apple TV+ content" 0
Type2021 September RickiesScore
Stephen Flexie "Apple TV+ content is featured in the keynote" 1
Type2024 Annual RickiesScore
Stephen Flexie "Apple launches immersive video content using TV+ IP" 0
  • Stephen's original version of the pick was just about any immersive video, but that was already announced.

Myke's Apple TV+ Picks

Type2019 Annual PredictionsScore
Myke Regular "Apple will launch a subscription service featuring original video content" 1
Type2019 Media Event PredictionsScore
Myke Regular "Apple will announce a video streaming service" 1
  • "...which includes content from other providers, this will either be free content or paying for a subscription from within the app"
Myke Regular "Apple's original content will premiere after the service itself launches" 1
  • "non original content will come first, excluding existing programs"
Myke Non‑graded "The video streaming service will come to Roku and Fire TV products" 1
Type2019 Fall RickiesScore
Myke Non‑graded "Apple TV+ will be free with another subscription" 0
  • Apple One, which includes Apple TV+, launched a year later.
Type2020 October RickiesScore
Myke Regular "Apple gives another extended free period of TV+ with new product purchases, even if you already had a trial" 0
  • The pick went through a little more revision after round 2 ended.
  • Apple extended the existing free period for TV+, which does not count
  • Myke notes that, since this extension was announced via press release before the event, a differently-worded pick may have been ambiguous based on the rules at the time, so an explicit rule about the scoring window is added.
Myke Flexie "Apple TV+ trailers are shown" 0
Type2022 September RickiesScore
Myke Flexie "No trailers for Apple TV+ content" 1
Type2024 Annual RickiesScore
Myke Flexie "Apple adds another sport to TV+" 0

Federico's Apple TV+ Picks

Type2018 Annual PredictionsScore
Federico Regular "A streaming service announced as Apple Video" 0
  • "1-2 months for free, bundled with Apple Music as an option"
Federico Non‑graded "Apple Video and Apple Music have dedicated apps for Mac and iOS" 0
  • "Music and Video removed from iTunes on the Mac"
  • iTunes was eventually split up in 2019.
Type2022 September RickiesScore
Federico Flexie "Ted Lasso Season 3 trailer" 0