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 27th June 2021 at 11:34am


This is Rickipedia, a comprehensive repository of information about the ever-evolving Apple prediction game played on Connected by hosts Stephen Hackett, Myke Hurley, and Federico Viticci.

“Better than, maybe, anything else I’ve ever seen on the Internet ever”
— Myke Hurley, Connected #344

Browse the extensive selection of scores and stats, a breakdown of picks by topic, a copy of The Bill of Rickies with a changelog and useful tools for following the rules, search the database or just the picks, and more.

✨ What's new

The Bill of Rickies has been updated again, and Rickipedia is here to help navigate the new legal landscape. Hosts and interested listeners can check for pick ineligibility and also for new bonus picks for being a bit too early with a pick before each game begins.

The API has been updated recently as well, including the new title of "Ricky Benchman." There is also a new, easy way to get the current titles for each host, which should make it easy to upgrade your software to give proper deference and respect to the hosts and the offices that they hold. This is already powering the Connected intro site, and surely countless more are on the way.

🏃 Active games

✅ Recently completed games






This exercise in nerdery about nerdery was put together by me, Jason Biatek (pronounced "bee-attic", he/him).

Corrections and additional information are more than welcome. Any wiki editing controls that you may find won't work — your edits will just be in your browser and will disappear on reload. Instead, open an issue on GitHub preferably, or you can also email me at [my first name] at [my last name] dot net. One easy task that anyone can do is look at this page and let me know if any of these picks have since come true.

This page is built with TiddlyWiki, which is a nifty single page wiki tool with lots of options for taking little bits of information and composing them together in different ways. When I realized that, my mind jumped to the many, many little bits of information in The Rickies, and I just had to try it out.

To link to specific items, use the menu in the top right of each item and select "permalink" to create a link to just that item, or "permaview" to create a link to all items currently open. There is also a "static link" which is a lightweight, JavaScript-free version of the item.

Rickipedia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0Creative CommonsAttribution requiredNon-Commercial